Calidad biológica del agua del río Amojú. Jaén, Cajamarca. 2013

  • José Luis Polo Corro Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
  • Heraclio Fernando Castillo Picón Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo
  • Manuel Emilio Hora Revilla Asociación Marianista de Acción Social
Keywords: biological Index; macroinvertebrates; nPeBMWP; Jaen; basin


In June, 2013, there was carried out the biological characterization of 6 stations of sampling, distributed in the course the CuencaAmojú, located in Jaen in the north of Peru, in the Region Cajamarca, from the 549 - 1236 msnm; biological parameters were analyzed across the identification of the macroinvertebrates bentónicos in situ, this waylike ex-situ.
Identified 28 families of macroinvertebrates, being established that the water quality of the basin of the river Amojú, based in in the Biotic Index for the rivers of the north of the north of Peru nPeBMWP; it was ofAcceptable quality for three stations of sampling (E-1, E-2 and E-6), whereasintheremainingones(E-3, E-4and E-5) thequalitychangesfrom Regulatingto Bad. This basin is being altered due to the activities of deforestation and agriculture, this way like to the bad disposition of the aguas served as the populated centers. 


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Author Biographies

José Luis Polo Corro, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo


Heraclio Fernando Castillo Picón, Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo


Manuel Emilio Hora Revilla, Asociación Marianista de Acción Social


How to Cite
Polo Corro, J. L., Castillo Picón, H. F., & Hora Revilla, M. E. (2014). Calidad biológica del agua del río Amojú. Jaén, Cajamarca. 2013. Revista De Investigaciones De La Universidad Le Cordon Bleu, 1(2), 43-55.
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