The Research Journal of Le Cordon Bleu University is a peer-reviewed scientific publication edited by the University Research Center. The journal is published biannually and focuses on publishing original scientific articles in the fields of food sciences, engineering, nutrition and dietetics, gastronomy, and administration. The journal publishes works by national and international researchers in Spanish or English.



The submission of a manuscript for publication in the Research Journal of Le Cordon Bleu University must respect the originality of the respective scientific work, not being under review for publication in another journal or previously published. Likewise, the inclusion of figures, tables, or passages of text that have already been published must be accompanied by the authorization of the copyright holder. In any case, material received without such evidence will be assumed to be the property of the authors.


The main author must contact the editor of the journal to start the manuscript review process. To do this, they must attach to the manuscript the "author letter and declaration of originality" and the "authorization letter for publication and distribution," duly completed and signed by each of the authors (the format is published in the university's journal repository: The order of authorship that appears in the manuscript must be respected in these documents (if the information does not match, the manuscript will be returned to the main author). The editor and the journal will not be legally responsible for the contents of each published article in case of any claim.


Manuscripts will only be accepted for review if they comply with the journal's formal standards. All texts, tables, and figures must be submitted in Word format, tables and figures must be numbered and inserted in the correct place in the text, and authors may be additionally asked for the original data of these. The work must be written in Word format, A-4 size, with 1.5 line spacing, in 12-point Calibri font. Articles should be sent to the journal editor at the email address:, accompanied by the AUTHORIZATION LETTER FOR PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION and the AUTHOR LETTER AND DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY. Manuscripts can be submitted in Spanish or English, with a maximum length of 15 pages.


The work should have five basic parts:


Manuscript Identification:


The title must be concise and informative (maximum 15 words) in Spanish and its translation into English or vice versa. Each named living organism must be followed immediately by the scientific name in parentheses and italics, respecting taxonomic standards. The title should have no final period.


The names of the authors according to the IraLIS platform ( suggest:

Name + Initial of the second name (optional) + first surname.

If the second surname is used, both surnames should be hyphenated.

Do not use the abbreviation M.ª (write M. or María).

The particles De, Del, De la, and De los should be placed next to the surname, not the name.

Do not place the academic category or scientific degree before the name.


The affiliation of each author should include the institution, city, and country (e.g., Universidad Le Cordon Bleu, Lima, Peru). If the authors have different affiliations, they will be identified exponentially with a number corresponding to each institution, and the institutions will be listed below the names (e.g., Vannia Gonzales-Krapp1, Valeria Vento-Sime2, Karen V. Quiroz-Cornejo3, and Víctor J. Samillan3,4

1.- Academia de Artes Marciales Parabellum, Lima, Peru

2.- Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru

3.- Universidad Le Cordon Bleu, Lima, Peru

4.- Escuela de Postgrado Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo, Peru).


Email address of the corresponding author.


Article Abstract:

The abstract of the article should be between 200 and 250 words, should not contain undefined abbreviations or unreferenced citations, and should be presented in both Spanish and English (or vice versa depending on the language of the text). It should quickly and concisely identify the content of the article, including the most notable information about the context in which the work is developed, the objective, methodology, main results, and conclusions. When dealing with decimal numbers, the whole part should be separated from the decimal part by a comma (,) in Spanish and by a period (.) in English (e.g., 3,1416 for Spanish and 3.1416 for English). Numbers starting from the thousands should be separated by a space every three digits, avoiding the use of any punctuation marks (e.g., 1 000 000), except for years (e.g., 2024). Numbers accompanied by units of measure or symbols should be separated from them by a space (e.g., 25%, 25 g). Keywords should be 4 to 6 words and are recommended not to be in the title to serve their function in searches. They will be separated by commas and end with a period. They should be presented in both Spanish and English.


Article Development:

The development of the article should follow the structure: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions. All pages should be numbered starting with the title page.



References should be prepared according to the latest edition of the APA standards. They must be carefully checked to ensure they are complete and that each text citation has its bibliographic reference. For more information on how to cite, consult the APA 7th edition style guide. References should not exceed 30 in each manuscript.



Article with DOI:

Terry, V. & Casusol, K. (2018). Formulación de una salsa picante a base de pulpa de cocona (Solanum sessiliflorum), ají amarillo (Capsicum baccatum) y ají Charapita (Capsicum chinense). Revista de Investigaciones de la Universidad Le Cordon Bleu, 5(1), 5-17.


Online article without DOI:

Terry, V. & Casusol, K. (2018). Formulación de una salsa picante a base de pulpa de cocona (Solanum sessiliflorum), ají amarillo (Capsicum baccatum) y ají Charapita (Capsicum chinense). Revista de Investigaciones de la Universidad Le Cordon Bleu, 5(1), 5-17.


Printed article without DOI:

Terry, V. & Casusol, K. (2018). Formulación de una salsa picante a base de pulpa de cocona (Solanum sessiliflorum), ají amarillo (Capsicum baccatum) y ají Charapita (Capsicum chinense). Revista de Investigaciones de la Universidad Le Cordon Bleu, 5(1), 5-17.



Text Format

  • Manuscripts must be submitted in Word.
  • Use 1.5 line spacing.
  • Use a standard and simple font (e.g., Calibri 12 points) for the text.
  • Italicize words in a language different from that of the manuscript text.
  • Use automatic numbering to number the pages.
  • Do not use field functions.
  • Use tabs or other commands for indentations, not the space bar.
  • To create tables, use the table function, not EXCEL spreadsheets.
  • Use the equation editor for equations.
  • Consider a maximum of 15 pages for the total length of the submitted work.


  • Abbreviations must be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.


  • Footnotes should be avoided.
  • Notes in tables must adhere to APA norms according to the latest edition.

Tables and Figures

  • Each manuscript should not exceed 5 tables and 5 figures in total.
  • All tables and figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals.
  • Tables and figures must always be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order before appearing in the document.
  • Each table and figure should be named to explain the information it provides.
  • Tables are numbered and named at the top, while figures are at the bottom.
  • Footnotes for tables should follow the structure suggested in the latest APA edition.
  • Screenshots are not accepted as figures.
  • Scanned figures and photos must have a minimum resolution of 1200 ppi (pixels per inch).
  • If necessary, the layout editor will request the original figures or data.
  • Graphs should be created in black, gray, and white, with no shaded areas that do not add information.
  • Pie charts should be avoided.
  • All information within figures must be legible at its final size.
  • If magnification is used in photographs, indicate it using scale bars within the figure.
  • For figure creation, refer to Figure Preparation guidelines.
  • Figures (photos and diagrams) should be in color; if black and white, ensure the main information is sufficiently clear.

Figure Caption

  • Each figure must have a concise title accurately describing what is depicted.
  • Figure names start with the term Figure, in bold, followed by the figure number, also in bold, and then the name.

Numeric Data and Measurements

  • For numeric data and measurements, use the International System of Units (SI).
  • Use a comma (,) for fractions in Spanish texts and a period (.) in English.
  • There must be a space between the last digit and the unit of measure or symbol.
  • Numbers over 4 digits should have a space every 3 digits, except for years, without periods or commas.


The journal applies a double-blind peer review system to ensure the quality of articles in each publication. Reviewers are external to the university and experts in each thematic area.

The arbitration process begins with a review of compliance with the journal's author instructions and thematic evaluation by the Scientific Editor. Authors will receive an email indicating the preliminary decision to accept or reject the manuscript within 30 days of receipt. Manuscript rejection is final. If minor corrections are needed, a 15-day period will be given to return the corrected manuscript.

The next step is sending manuscripts for double-blind peer review. External reviewers will not know the authors' identities and vice versa. The maximum evaluation period is 60 days. After this period, reviewers may consider the manuscript:

  • Publishable without modifications.
  • Publishable with minor modifications.
  • Publishable with major modifications to be resubmitted and evaluated.
  • Not publishable.

Manuscripts will be returned to authors within 15 days with anonymous minor or major modifications for corrections within 20 days. No work will be accepted without all corrections made. If corrections are not completed and sent within 30 days, the manuscript will be automatically withdrawn.


The journal operates under an open access model. The content of all its issues is available for full-text download without embargo periods to increase research dissemination and knowledge exchange.

No fees are charged for submission, evaluation, and publication (APCs) of articles submitted to the editor.

The Le Cordon Bleu University Research Journal is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, allowing third parties to mix, transform, and build upon the content of our articles for commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided that any derived work from the original publication is distributed under the same CC-BY-NC-SA license, citing the authorship of the work and its first publication in this journal. Authors may make independent and additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution and reproduction of the published version in other printed or electronic media, provided that the authorship of the work and its initial publication are indicated, as stipulated by the license. Authors may archive the pre-peer-reviewed and published versions on their institutional or personal repository or website, the latter in the journal's format. Any commercial use of our publication's content requires prior written authorization from the Scientific Editor.


The journal's ethical principles adhere to the guidelines and recommendations of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Available at, the Scientific Editor, Editorial Director, Editorial Committee, and Advisory Committee will promote good research practices and detect any irregularities or misconduct by contributors. The following principles apply:

  • Originality: Submitted manuscripts must be original, not previously published, and not simultaneously submitted to other journals for evaluation. If information is taken from an external source, it must include the respective citation and reference according to the author instructions.

  • Consent: All authors give their consent for submission, review, and publication of the manuscript through the publication and distribution authorization letter published within the author instructions.

  • Authorship: All authors who contributed to the research must be included in the manuscript, without omitting any, according to their criteria of greater or lesser participation in the research.

  • Transparency: A double-blind peer review process is applied anonymously, objectively, consistently, and with constructive criticism. Reviewers have no employment, academic, or personal ties with the authors.

Any manuscript not adhering to these principles and found to have ethical misconduct will be eliminated or retracted, depending on the stage of detection.

The Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the mentioned guidelines. The author is responsible for the content included in the manuscript.